HZL To Build Bio-Toilets In 152 Schools In Rajasthan

HZL To Build Bio-Toilets In 152 Schools In Rajasthan
On the occasion of World’s Toilet Day, Hindustan Zinc has decided to construct bio-toilets (bio-digester toilets) in 152 schools in Rajasthan. Separate toilets for girls will also be constructed in co-education schools. The project will cost Rs 4 crore to the company, said the spokesperson of the company. The bio-toilets decompose human-waste in a pit using bacteria to convert it into bio-gas and water. The bio-toilets also save water.
Hindustan Zinc’s efforts towards green energy, zero-discharge in business units, construction of 10,000 toilets and a sewage treatment plant of 20 million litres a day capacity have set a corporate model towards Swachh Bharat.
The company’s Swachh Bharat campaign has involved around 14,000 regular and contract employees who are taking forward the Swachh Bharat campaign by way of keeping their surroundings clean.
The drive has gained momentum in all the mines and smelting units of Hindustan Zinc which are ensuring zero-discharge. This reflects what Prime Minister said, ‘reduce the waste for Swachh Bharat’. The company has installed effluent treatment plant with reverse osmosis plants at its all smelting locations, which has resulted in reducing fresh water footprints and is maintaining zero discharge status.
The company has green energy farms that generate about 274 MW of green energy. These farms are located in Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka. This entire capacity has been registered under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) program by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).Tasking a step towards waste management, Hindustan Zinc is also generating 35 MW power through waste heat recovery from its roasters.
The company’s R&D efforts have materialized to utilize slag, a waste from zinc process, in cement manufacturing. The fly ash which is a waste material from thermal power plant is utilized fully by cement industries.
In factories, Hindustan Zinc has installed adiabatic cooling towers to replace the conventional cooling towers at the cost of Rs 46 crore to reduce water wastage in the form of evaporation losses by almost 70% by operating in a closed circuit. This has considerably reduced the fresh water consumption at intake level.
The company has persistent focus on minimal impact on environment and the company practices – reduce, recycle, reuse and reclaim policy.
Rajasthan is a state where over 60% people defecate in open. Lack of toilet facilities in rural households and schools has been a major cause for open defecation. Hindustan Zinc signed two agreements with Rajasthan government. First, to construct 30,000 toilets out of which the company has already constructed 10,000 toilets.
Secondly, the company also constructed a 20 million litres per day sewage treatment plant, which has become operational and treating 30% of Udaipur’s sewage. Built with a cost of Rs 170 crore, this sewage treatment plant is also the first of its kind in Rajasthan.